6 Points Creative Arts Academy is a fast-paced, communal living environment. Campers begin their day at 7:30AM and end between 8:30 and 10:00PM. The day is full of activities and participants are with others, in small and large groups, all day.
Dorm counselors wake their campers each morning so that campers have enough time to get dressed, shower if they choose, brush their teeth, comb their hair, and get to our morning session on time.
Mo Moments - Morning Ritual
Start the day with enthusiasm and intentionality! Staff and faculty lead a morning framing to get us thinking and focused on the day ahead.
Nikayon - Clean Up
Each day there is much needed time for cleaning the dormitories. During this time, campers make their beds, organize their dressers and closets and fill their laundry bags. Campers may be given some responsibilities for cleaning the communal areas of the dorm. This is also a time for campers to shower if they choose.
Art Majors
Campers will learn from Arts Mentors and counselors in their chosen art major.
Chuggim (Electives)
Campers will select their Electives at camp. Electives are an opportunity to further explore or dive deeper into an arts area of the camper’s choosing. Campers will change electives every few days.
Kinesthetic Arts (Sports)
The art of movement! This is our sports hour and a time for our artists to be active. The goal is for active and healthy living, not competition. We offer many different options for all campers: options may be kickball, soccer, tennis, yoga, Zumba, swimming, or jogging.
Chofesh (Free Choice)
Each day, campers have the opportunity to choose between several options during this free choice period: quiet time in our beautiful 2-story library, social space in our games lounge, a walk outside, or a jam session
Gesher - Bridge
Gesher, meaning bridge, focuses on the development of young individuals as participant and role model within the camp community for rising 12th grade students. As part of this 4 week Staff in Training Leadership Program, participants experience skill building within the arts discipline of their choosing, as well as professional development in key areas of camp: residential life, programming, and logistics. Gesher participants shadow staff of all camp areas while participating in Arts Majors, Showcase, and Shabbat. A select group is accepted into this program based on their Gesher applications (separate from CampMinder application), personal interviews, and references. Artists in rising grade 12 spend 3+ hours each day in one Major Studio from the list above.
Menucha - Rest Time
After an activity-packed morning, campers need to take a break. Campers receive mail upon returning to their dorms after lunch. During this period, campers stay quietly in their dorms. Some sleep, others read or play quiet games with friends. This is a time that campers can write letters home to family and friends.
Evening Programs
Evening programs are mostly planned by our Program Director in collaboration with Programming Counselors. Evening programs are sometimes all-camp and sometimes by-unit. Faculty may be asked to participate or help lead the program, depending on what is needed for the evening. Programs are diverse in content as some are purely camp fun while others ask campers to answer BIG questions and think deeply – many are both!
Siyyum - Days End
The camp day ends with the community gathering together briefly in joyful song and prayer to reflect on our day’s work.
Laila Tov - Good Night
After a day full of activity and fun at 6 Points Creative Arts Academy, it is time for a shower, snack, and bed. Counselors will lead a reflection of the day before quiet time to finish writing a letter or reading a book. Lights out time varies for age groups.
Shabbat at CAA is unique. We begin preparing for Shabbat on Thursday evening, with campers in multiple program areas, planning and rehearsing for Friday night services. Extra time is given on Fridays to finalize prep, shower and dress. We encourage campers and staff to wear white shirts to create an extra special atmosphere. The entire camp comes together and Shabbat dinner is filled with many traditions, from candle lighting, blessing over the wine (grape juice) and challah, and the blessing of the children. Campers and staff alike eagerly await the delicious Shabbat dinner.
Dinner is followed by services offered by the campers and staff to the community through a variety of artistic expressions. With so many young voices rising together in prayer, the sound and visual is like no other. After services, we continue with songsession and an opportunity to recognize those in our community who have exemplified camp’s core values in the preceding week.
On Shabbat morning, we all sleep a bit later then enjoy fresh bagels and lox for breakfast. Those who have celebrated becoming B’nei Mitzvah prior to camp are given the opportunity to read Torah for the community. After a meaningful morning, complete with grape juice and challah, campers enjoy Shabbat sha-lectives.
Shabbat Sha-lectives offer campers a variety of activities including canoeing, swimming, lawn activities, as well as dorm bonding time. After lunch, it’s back to the dorms for rest time and more Sha-lectives in the afternoon. Campers reconvene with their counselors and bunk in the late afternoon for a bunk activity.
After dinner, we have a camp-wide program and beautiful Havdallah service marking the end of Shabbat!
On the second Shabbat afternoon of the session, campers prepare for closing day, rehearse, and perform in camper showcase. This gives all our young artists the chance to share their growth and skill development.
All campers participate during Showcase on the last night of each session. We livestream showcase summer in addition to welcoming guests in person so that family and friends can watch and celebrate camper accomplishments.
Special Programs
Visiting Artists – Each session we invite artists to join our community and teach a master class. This varies between majors.
We will not be having visiting artists during Summer 2021.
Olim Night Out* – Each session our oldest unit in camp will enjoy a night out for community bonding and socialization. Campers enjoy spending supervised time off-camp bowling, doing karaoke, going to a local fair, or something similar.
*This will likely be on-campus for Summer 2021.
Birthdays – Celebrating a birthday at camp is special! They will be recognized in the dining hall with singing and camp’s unique traditions, including our very own Birthday Banana. Campers can also make a brief call home.