Art Disciplines
Bonim (rising Grades 4-6), Shoreshim (rising Grades 7-8), Olim (rising Grades 9-11) and Gesher (rising Grade 12) focus on one major per 12-day session in which they spend time in instruction and application with our Arts Mentors. Arts Mentors supply packing list items for each discipline. Click the Art Discipline to learn more.
Contemporary and Classical Theatre
Instrumental Music Ensemble
Song Leading
Creative Writing
Musical Theatre
Technical Theatre
Visual art
Vocal Music Ensemble
Chugim (Electives)
Chugim are an opportunity for campers to gather based on evolving interests. Chugim give campers an opportunity to explore a new arts area each day that may compliment a major or be new or unfamiliar. Chugim are often cross-disciplinary collaborations and have included:
A Capella
Drawing and Sketching
Improv Games
Technical Theatre
Kinesthetic Arts (Sports)
Our campers choose from fun, non-competitive options for recreation. KinArts like yoga, Israeli dance, jogging, swimming, 9 Square-in-the-Air, Ultimate Frisbee, and kickball give us a chance to stretch our minds and bodies outside of our studios for approximately one hour each day. We offer a high- and low- intensity option as well as indoor/outdoor activities.
Tochnit Erev (Evening Program)
Campers participate in nightly activities with their age unit and/or the entire camp community. Evening programs entail a variety of camp-style programs that encourage campers to move around campus, think creatively, practice teamwork, and have traditional camp-like fun. Past programs have been mystery scavenger hunts like “Case of the Missing Birthday Banana” to exploring the summer theme with low ropes activities.
Shabbat at Camp
Shabbat is a completely collaborative experience at the Creative Arts Academy. Each week, campers have a choice of activity area in which to help prepare for Shabbat. While some choose challah-baking, others wish to be in the Shabbat Band, while others opt to prepare art or dance pieces. The community comes together and offers Shabbat to one another through these artistic expressions, allowing us to take a deep breath and shift gears from the busy week.
Saturdays are a break from our normal routine, with a late wake-up and, on the first Saturday of each session, leisure activities that find us at yawn-on-the-lawn, on a nature hike, the ropes course or on the lake, canoeing. Our second Saturday is a flurry of activity as we simultaneously tech for our evening Showcase performance and pack for the end of the session.
While a great deal of our time is spent in skill building, Creative Arts is committed to the balance of process and product. Our Bonim and Olim campers have the opportunity to apply what they have learned in Showcase on the second Saturday evening of each session. Health and safety permitting, Showcase is open to our families and the community by reservation. We do recognize that not all families can attend, nor should they feel obligated to do so.
Taste of Camp
We offer a 5-night “mini session” to campers currently in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade. Campers will explore multiple majors while being fully immersed in the CAA community.