Staff FAQs

Where is camp located? How will I get there?

The Westtown School is located in West Chester, Pennsylvania, less than an hour from Philadelphia. The campus boasts air-conditioned dorms, a lake, pool, ropes course, nature trails, athletic facilities, amazing arts spaces for all disciplines and a working farm!

Staff travel to West Chester by plane, train, or car, and we will coordinate pick-ups on arrival days and drop-offs on departure day from the 30th Street Station and Philadelphia Airport. If your departure city is more than 300 miles away you will be reimbursed up to $350 for your travel. Please keep travel receipts for reimbursement.

When is camp? Is there a staff week?

All staff are expected to participate in staff prep week. The arrival date for each staff member is dependent upon the position for which they are hired.

Important 2025 Dates

Tuesday, June 10 Leadership Team arrives
Saturday, June 14 Arts Mentors, Resident Advisors, Nursing Staff, Logistics Team, Community Care Team, Songleaders arrive – Westtown School
Sunday, June 15 International Staff arrive – Westtown School
Monday, June 16 Residential Life (counselors), Media Team arrives- Westtown School
Tuesday, June 24 Session 1 Opening Day
Sunday, July 6 Session 1 Closing Day
Tuesday, July 8 Session 2 Opening Day
Sunday, July 20 Session 2 Closing Day
Tuesday, July 22 Session 3 Opening Day
Sunday, August 3 Session 3 Closing Day and Staff Celebration
Monday, August 4, or Tuesday, August 5 (based on position) Staff Released
How long are the sessions?

There are three 12-night sessions, each beginning on a Tuesday and ending the following Sunday. There is a 2-day intersession between sessions 1 and 2 and 2 and 3. Staff prep week is approximately one week before session 1 begins. Leadership team has an additional few days of training and prep prior to staff week.

Do you offer positions for shorter time commitments?

With few exceptions, our preference is for staff to be part of our community for the full 7 weeks of camp (staff prep week + 6 weeks of camper programming). We also know that school, year-round jobs, and life may not permit you to spend the full summer at camp. Counselors should inquire about a shorter commitment if interested. The highest number of staff needed tends to be during sessions 1 and 2 of camp, allowing some counselors to leave after session 2.

Leadership Team, Arts Mentors, and Media Team, unless otherwise discussed with the Camp Director or Assistant Director during the application process, are expected to be on-site for the full 7 weeks.

What does time off look like at camp?

Rest and reflection are critical to the emotional and physical health and wellbeing of our staff. Specific dates and prior commitments for which staff need time off should be communicated with Camp Director and Assistant Director in the staff application and interview process if possible. Understanding that camp is a fast-paced, ever-changing environment:

Arts Mentors

Off from wake-up through curfew on the first Saturday of each session, and for a period of time during intersession unless they choose to staff this program. Arts Mentors are generally off most evenings apart from weekly Shabbat Prep and Shabbat (Thursday and Friday), and Showcase (2nd Saturdays). Arts Mentors are welcome and encourage to attend Evening Programs if interested or specially requested.

Counselors, Operations, Media Team

Off from wake-up through curfew one day each session, one evening or morning to be taken during week 2, 3, 4, or 5, and intersession unless requested and/or interested in staffing. These staff positions will also be assigned at least one hour off daily.  These will be schooled by the appropriate supervisor.


Off when not on shift or on-call on rotation.  Off from wake-up through curfew one day each session.  Nurses are welcome and encouraged to participate in camp activities when not specifically on duty the Health Center.


Off from wake-up through curfew one day each session, one evening or morning to be taken during week 2, 3, 4, or 5, and intersession unless requested and/or interested in staffing. These staff positions will also be assigned at least one hour off daily. Staff time off will be discussed as a team to ensure appropriate coverage of camp, with final approval from the Camp Director.

Any staff member that is assigned or accepted to work intersession will receive alternative time off during the next session.

COVID restrictions may necessitate creative thinking around time-off. We are committed to on-going brainstorming regarding the personal time of staff. It is our belief that, given all participants of our program will be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, we hope will be able to return to a more typical time off policy for our staff that includes time off of our camp properties, where staff will have autonomy over their own time.


Where will I live?

Westtown offers air-conditioned dormitories for all of our campers, staff, and faculty. Where possible, staff have their own dorm rooms. All bathrooms are hall-style and shared with other staff.

Some positions are slated to live on dorm in rooms that are dispersed amongst camper rooms. Other positions are designated to live in all-staff buildings. There is access to laundry in all housing facilities, and staff may send out their laundry to be professionally cleaned once per session.

Is there a curfew for staff?

Getting the proper amount of sleep is essential for staff health and wellbeing, as well as the ability to do jobs effectively. For these reasons, all staff have a curfew of 12am to be in their living spaces.

When not assigned to shmira (on-duty), and COVID protocols permitting, staff are welcome to leave campus once released on certain days. Downtown West Chester is only 6 miles away and the nearest Target, Walmart, etc. is about 15 minutes. Staff that choose to leave campus must sign-out and sign-in upon returning. The senior shmira will check the sign-out clipboard and communicate late returners to the leadership person on-call.

A good night’s sleep is the best way to keep yourself healthy and make the most of the staff experience.

How is compensation determined? When do I get paid?

You can expect 6 Points Creative Arts to provide you with room and board, competitive pay in summer camp market, and travel stipend, where applicable.

Compensation is determined based off a number of factors:

  • years worked at camp
  • level of education completed
  • qualifications
  • position hired
  • duration hired

If a position is offered, your salary will be included in the initial offer letter. 

Staff are paid twice during the summer, once after session 1 and a second time after session 3. Staff hired to work a shorter duration will receive their paychecks at appropriate times or they will be mailed to you.