About a year ago, I distinctly remember saying to my mom “I wish that there was a Jewish camp for people in the performing arts because I can’t find one!”. It was about 3 months later that the announcement about 6 Points Creative Arts Academy came out, with a short description of what it was. It was honestly a dream come true and what I had always wanted in a camp.
For me, the integration of arts and Judaism is highly important, and honestly, not that hard to do. All you need are some people that are willing to do it, and that is what the CAA staff is! I am so excited to be a camper in the opening year of Creative Arts and most of my excitement is drawn from the staff and their passion. Jo-Ellen and Kara are willing to hear the crazy ideas that I come up with and are amazing as they try to place those ideas in their first year.
I am planning on being a theatre major during camp, with a minor in dance or singing for musical theatre. The rest I don’t know, and I am not a person who likes not knowing things. However, I feel comfortable leaving the “fate” of my camp experience in the staff’s hands.
The thing that I am most excited for during camp is Shabbat. Yes, the campus looks incredible, and yes, the food is going to surpass “normal camp food”, but Shabbat at this camp will be so special that it will make everything else look so small. There will be people dancing, there will be people singing with instruments and a Capella, the campers will even be making the delicious challah for all of us to eat! You can have Shabbat, and you can have CAA Shabbat. You can have a camp or you can have 6 Points Creative Arts Academy. I am happy with my choice for this summer!
Contributed by Kylie Miller
Camper, Virginia