From Zumba to Dance Party

From Zumba to Dance Party

By Alexa, 6 Points Creative Arts Academy Bonim counselor — The last thing I ever expected to do while working at CAA was go to the gym. Somehow during staff week, I got myself up at 6 am every morning to do daily cardio. By the time our staff was ready to...
A Wish Come True, Part 2

A Wish Come True, Part 2

By Kylie, Session 1 Camper Original blog post: A Wish Come True — I found my Jewish family. I found the people that I can relate to. CAA created a safe space where I could learn and grow, while staying Jewish AND maintaining my craft. It was the camp I had...
Give It A Shot!

Give It A Shot!

By Sarah, URJ 6 Points Creative Arts Academy Media Specialist — We love Saturday at camp. Shabbat, a chance to rest and reflect, and our favorite Saturday activities: Shabbat Sha-lectives! Enter our first social media Sha-lective, “Give It A Shot!” While we have...
For the Love of the Arts

For the Love of the Arts

By Ira Miller, Director of Informal Education at the Washington Hebrew Congregation — I had the honor and privilege of visiting the newest URJ 6 Points camp, the Creative Arts Academy, during their staff training week to lead two professional development...
Singing in Perfect Harmony

Singing in Perfect Harmony

My first night on camp, the leadership staff and several of my fellow counselors sang the Birkat Hamazon in improvised four part harmony. It was at that moment precisely, about 2 hours after my arrival at Westtown, that I knew I chose the right place to be this...